Mixing Entirely On Headphones: The Pros And Cons

If you’re a budding music producer, you’ve probably heard the hype about mixing entirely on headphones. It’s not just a trend in the industry—headphones are becoming increasingly important to the modern music producer. But before we get into that, let’s discuss what makes headphones so great for mixing and why it might be time to toss your monitors out the window (or at least take them down from their pedestal).


  • Convenient: It’s easy to take your headphones everywhere, so you can listen to your music whenever and wherever you want. You may not have the opportunity to mix on speakers, but with headphones, there are no limitations. You also don’t have to worry about making noise if it’s late and everyone else is sleeping or watching TV in another room—headphone mixing means that no one will hear what you’re listening to except for yourself.
  • Any time of day: There is no need for daylight or darkness when mixing on headphonessince they allow you to listen at any time.
  • Loud volume: You don’t need to worry about disturbing others while mixing on headphones because they can be listened to at loud volumes without affecting others’ hearing or peace of mind.
  • No disturbance from other people: Since mixing on headphones removes any potential disturbance from other people in the room, it’s one more thing off your list when you’re working on a project in an unfamiliar environment like an airport lounge or coffee shop!
  • Flexibility: Headphone mixing gives musicians a lot more flexibility than traditional studio monitors because it allows them to create their own personal soundscape that corresponds exactly with how they want their music heard by other people (especially during playback). The ability to customize your own headphone mix means that there won’t be any unpleasant surprises when it comes time for playback; rather than hearing someone else’s monitor mix through speakers (which may not correspond as closely with how they want their music heard), experienced musicians choose this option which allows them themselves complete control over how their mixes are presented both during recording and afterward!
  • Unlike speakers (which usually have limited frequency response), headphone drivers can be designed with very specific characteristics that allow them to accurately reproduce specific frequencies over others – this is called “headroom” and is an important quality when trying to make critical decisions about how your music will sound once it hits the streets (or radio waves). Some monitors come with extra features like equalizers or built-in amplifiers so you can fine-tune their performance for maximum accuracy without getting up off your seat every time something sounds wrong or strange!


Although headphones are often touted as a solid choice for mixing, they actually have quite a few disadvantages.

  • Headphones can be uncomfortable. The ear pads of your headphones are probably going to get sweaty, and if you wear them for hours at a time, this can cause your ears to become sore. Try rotating between different pairs of headphones in order to determine which ones are the most comfortable on your head—and, more importantly, on your ears!
  • Headphones can be noisy: If you’re used to working with speakers blasting music from all angles (and maybe even live instruments), it might be jarring when all of a sudden there are only two tiny little speakers in front of your face instead of an entire living room full of sound waves bouncing around everywhere! Don’t let that stop you from using them, though—make sure not to crank up the volume so high that it’s painful or distracting while listening back later on playback sessions without proper speaker setup support equipment installed first before proceeding further into the production stages.


So, there you have it. Mixing entirely on headphones is not without its drawbacks, but the benefits are so great that we consider this an essential part of producing music. We hope these pros and cons have given you a better understanding of whether or not they apply to your situation and what kind of setup might be right for you.