Maintenance Tips
We know that buying a new headphone can be a pretty big investment and we want to make sure you get the most value for your money. At Haymaker, we pride ourselves on building top-quality headphone sets that are both high tech and highly functional. Our Bluetooth headphones are built with only the best materials to ensure that they can last you for as long as a lifetime. However, aside from the top-quality durable materials, our headphones are made of, users will also need to practice due diligence by taking good care of their headphones. Therefore, we have compiled a few maintenance tips for all headphones’ owners to try to extend the life of their headphone sets.
Wipe Your Headphone Cushions
It is recommended that you wipe your headphone cushions immediately after use, and that’s basically all you need to do. Unlike traditional headphones, you don’t have to apply any leather condition solution once every six months (bi-annually). The Haymaker headphone cushions are made from synthetic leather, which is actually superior to real leather. In other words, no treatment is necessary!
Get a Headphone Case
To avoid friction and further wear and tear, it is highly recommended that you invest in a good quality headphone case. Best is if you use the case that your wireless headphones came with as they will fit perfectly. This not only offers some protection for your headphones, but they also prevent dust and dirt from entering your headphones. You will be pleased to know that The Haymaker comes with its own special headphone case. Yes, it’s included in each purchase!
Protect Your Charging Port
Always make sure to protect your charging port. That is the weakest point in your new wireless headphones, which is usually the first to break. Make sure that you avoid bending your charging wire as any pressure exerted on those series of tiny metal prongs in your charging port may cause them to be damaged. You do not want to risk breaking it and not being able to charge your headphones, do you? Don’t worry; The Haymaker is sturdy, and its components do not break easily. In addition, your headphone comes with a built-in charging port cover!
Clean Your Headphones Regularly
Anything that is used long enough is sure to accumulate dust and dirt, and headphones are no exception. Make sure you clean your headphones regularly to remove all the ear wax and other dirty substances. Once a month would be good enough, else your headphones will look gross and unsightly. Moreover, cleaning your headphones will also provide a better audio experience, without all the dirty grimes blocking the audio ducts.
To best clean it, we recommend using a cotton bud and some warm soapy water or alcohol. Do not jam the cotton bud into the headphone as that may risk pushing the dirt deeper into the headphones. Instead, you can lightly twirl around the audio ducts to get the dirt off.
These maintenance tips are simple and easy to follow and in no time, your headphones will look as good as new.